Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sophisticated Utilitarian free essay sample

There is a very clear way that any sophisticated utilitarian could handle this proposal. Obviously, they have to consider that the limited sports program needs to be incorporated, but at the same time they cant cut too heavily into the current sports program. There is a very clear plan that would allow the physically impaired student to have their new sport program added, without greatly hindering the current sports program. It has been said that the cost of the new program is four times as high, per student, however there are much fewer students in this program. Considering the number of students is so much lower, they could start by taking away thirty percent (which is over a quarter) of the budget from the current program and using it to start the new program that is intended for the disabled students. It is also very important to remember that such sports programs receive some of their funds from fundraising vents that students participate in. We will write a custom essay sample on Sophisticated Utilitarian or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since we are now dividing our budget between seventy and thirty percent and our overall sports program has grown through the addition of the disabled section, it would obviously be a good idea to double the amount of time that students who participate in sports are required to invest in fund raising activities. This is a pretty reasonable request when you consider that students only spend a few weekends, here or there, doing this anyway and that also they have he addition of the disabled students to help them with fundraising chores. This plan stands a very good chance of greatly increasing the amount of the overall budget. Depending on the amount of additional money raised each term, the regular sports program might not even be aware that they are only getting seventy percent of the budget. Depending on the amount of additional funds raised, they could even increase the size of the disabled program if need be.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

How to Write Your TOK Essay

How to Write Your TOK EssayWhen it comes to writing your TOK Essay, a sample of your essay is one of the most important resources that you will need to take advantage of. Just like anything else in life, learning how to write an essay is as important as knowing how to drive a car. After all, if you do not know how to drive a car, you're not going to have a driving car! Likewise, if you do not know how to write an essay, you'll end up writing something that isn't good enough to even get into a college.For this reason, a sample of your TOK Essay is essential to your success. As a student, you're going to need to go through some tough times and experience some tough experiences. You're going to encounter times when your grades will suffer, and you'll also be called upon to answer difficult questions in your classes. As such, a sample of your TOK Essay will provide you with a handy guide that you can refer back to whenever you need it.Ideally, you want to use a sample of your TOK Essay f or two reasons. First, you want to have an example to follow along with so that you're able to see the pros and cons of certain styles of writing. To do this, just visit a class website and enter your name and the subject line of your assignment. You'll be able to view all of the samples of essays for your specific subject. Once you've viewed the sample, you'll be able to pick which style of essay you think is right for you.The second reason you should write your sample of your TOK Essay in draft is because it will provide you with a rough draft of your essay. This allows you to check out different styles of writing and evaluate them one by one. By doing this, you'll be able to make the best decision about what style of essay to write based on what you're looking for in an essay. In the end, it's your choice, but you shouldn't be surprised if it takes you some time to figure out what exactly you're looking for in an essay.One aspect of TOK Essay writing that's critical is outlining. If you take the time to outline your essays, you'll come up with a much better essay. When you do this, you'll spend more time writing the actual essay, instead of re-writing sections because you don't understand them well enough. With a plan of attack, you'll feel more confident that you're writing a well-written essay, even though you've only had a chance to read it once or twice. Your outline will also give you a chance to revise some sections to make them more interesting, too.Finally, always remember to incorporate your samples of your TOK Essay into your final draft. After all, you need to make sure that they're actually consistent with the overall theme of your essay. If they're not, you won't have any success with your writing. There are many ways that you can incorporate your samples of your TOK Essay into your final draft, including footnotes, bibliography, and references.This is the one aspect of your TOK Essay that you should really spend some time on. If you know how t o write an essay, you'll find that a sample of your essay is one of the most powerful tools you can use to ensure that you're writing an effective essay. When you implement these tips, you'll get the essay that you want.